Meeting at the Zoo – Here Are the Elephants

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How was it?


On Sunday afternoon, there was an intriguing projection with a discussion at the conference hall of the Environmental Education Centre („Zoo-school“). The film entitled Zde jsou sloni (Here Are the Elephants) was presented by a young Czech Arthur F. Sniegon who organises several projects in Africa aimed at saving and helping the elephants. In his two films from 2012 and 2013, he presents his journey through Africa in search for elephants and poachers. His story is very interesting and inspiring and made the spectators think about many topics. There was a break between the films featuring a discussion where the spectators had an opportunity to ask numerous questions, related not only to the elephants, but also to his travelling in Africa. This young adventurer created pleasant atmosphere, thus the spectators were leaving not only with some new knowledge, but also full of impressions, touched by both comic as well as serious stories. This event was attended by15 visitors. We believe that this was not Arthur ´s last visit in our zoo.

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Peace Run

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[image_options image_id=“9992″ align=“center“ overlay=“dottoro_gallery“] [/image_options] 

How was it?

On Saturday, 9th June 2018, the peace run participants visited our zoo. They promote the peace idea and always carry a torch symbolising the peace on their selected route. Our zoo served as a starting point for the last day of this year stage in Slovakia. We are extremely happy that we could join this event and delighted that on the occasion of the run, the National Zoological Garden Bojnice was declared to be a peaceful zoo of SriChinmoy. The visitors can find a memorial plate close to the cash desks.

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[image_options image_id=“9992″ align=“center“ overlay=“dottoro_gallery“]














How was it?

On the occasion of the Environment Protection Day, the National Zoological Garden Bojnice prepared an event intended for students in particular, but the general public as well. The lecture provided the kids with a lot of intriguing information on what endangers our planet and our environment, which activities might help to protect it, etc. There was also a possibility to come into contact with a python. This event was altogether attended by 88 people.


Children Day in the National Zoo Bojnice

[image_options image_id=“9643″ align=“center“ overlay=“dottoro_gallery“][/image_options]How was it?

On this day, all the children under 15 received a free pass to the zoo. The weather was great, sunny and thus it attracted many visitors, more specifically 1616 of them. In front of the bear sector, there was an information point where the competitors could discover what they did(not) know about the animals via a quiz, featuring 12 questions with several prospective answers. Some of the questions were easy, others were a bit more difficult though; but in the end, all the visitors managed  and found some new information in an amusing way as well. Naturally, the successful competitors were rewarded.






Meeting at the zoo

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How was it?

The National Zoo Bojnice prepared the first one of the series of events called „Meeting at the Zoo”. A librarian and archivist Erik Kližan prepared an interesting presentation on the history and events that had preceded the zoo opening. The attendants enjoyed listening to many interesting as well as comic stories. This event was attended by 5 people.


Turtle Day

How was it?

On the occasion of the Turtle Day, the National Zoological Garden Bojnice prepared an event intended for students in particular, but the general public as well. The lecture provided the kids with a lot of engaging information concerning the world of turtles, as for instance on what the invasive species are. On the example of Red-eared Slider, the children were explained why the European pond turtle living in our country is endangered and much more. This event was altogether attended by 33 people.